Freedom – The Living Document


  • The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.
  • The state of not being imprisoned or enslaved.

Synonyms I favor

  • independence. release. discharge. deliverance. revolution.

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First off, I see this as an opportunity to share my testimony. God has truly blessed me during this past season that I have grown through. AND still growing. I want this (like I have said a million times) to be a stage to literally SCREAM all my thoughts. My emotions. My strengths. My weaknesses. ME.

For the longest it had not been that.

During this documentation, I pray I can continuously share and vent on this platform as a way of RELEASE!



So… Let’s make a toast. A promise. To Me. During this time, to openly share my joys and my tribulations as form of release.

Cheers to… independence. release. discharge. deliverance. revolution.



– Divinity C

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